Friday, February 17, 2012

I didn't forget.

You may think I forgot about the challenge, but you, my friend, are very wrong.

Day Nine- You in Black and White

Yup. That's me in my killa shades.

Day Eleven- Gratitude/ Day Twelve- Your weakness

I would like to thank Tyler for going with me to Gainesville on this lovely day.
I had fun shopping and yelling "HOLY SHIT!" in the food court.
Oh, and shopping is one of my weaknesses.
You can never have too many cute clothes. And accessories. And shoes.
I'm like the girl from "Confessions of a Shopaholic."
That movie was made for me.

It really does feel like hot butter sliding down when I find beautiful clothes on sale.

Day Thirteen- Your shoes

I purposely didn't take a picture of all of my shoes because
A) I have too many
B) I have so many it's like looking for Easter eggs through out the house.
So, I just took a picture of a pair of shoes that I haven't worn yet.
I got this beautiful wedge for $7.
ONLY $7.
I know how to find a good deal.
*Pats myself on my back*

You may or may not have noticed I skipped Day Ten- Your dinner plate.
I did it on purpose.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fourteen through Seventeen

Day Fourteen- Who do you love

I don't love anyone besides friends or family, I mostly love material items.
So I took a picture of three things I love, which are: My nails, Star Wars, and the freckle on my lip.

Day Fifteen- In your bag-purse

The colorful wrapped items are not candy.

Day Sixteen- Your lunch plate

Well I totally forgot I was suppose to take a picture of my lunch,
but I got a 4-piece chicken nugget Happy Meal.
This was the toy.
I'm good like that.

Day Seventeen- Books

There is no picture because I don't have time for books anymore.

Thank you.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Changing things up a bit.

*Warning*: Due to the seemingly small yet extensive work load of my Graphic Design classes, I will be posting every couple of days instead of every day.

So, let me start where I left off.

Day Three- Where you slept

Yea, I'm so full of myself I have my name on a pillow.

Day Four- Your Feet

Day Five- Your handwritting

Day Six- The sky

I drew the sky because I felt like it.

Day Seven- Your Hands

Day Eight- Your Daily Routine

So, My daily routine has consisted of me working on art projects.
And since I spent my entire day doing this and nothing else,
this is my daily routine today.

That's all I have for today folks.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 1 and 2. Kinda

Here we go...
So Yesterday I was suppose to post the first photo of February.
Well, The internet decided to be a prick so I was unable to do so.
That leaves me to post it today.
So for day one I needed to take a Self Portrait. Here is the best one.

Day One- Self-Portrait

The challenge on Day Two was to take a picture of the view from your window.
I meant to take a picture in the morning when I looked all pretty outside, but I forgot all about it until I came home tonight.
So, instead, here is a picture of a window I drew.

Day Two- View From Your Window

I think I did a really good job. :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Photo-A-Day Challenge!

Thy asked if anyone wanted to do a photo challenge with her and I accepted the request.
That means I will Try to post a picture everyday for the entire month if February.
Starting today.
Wish me luck.